Ender Imrek

A columnist and political party founder and leader, Imrek has been legally harassed and imprisoned multiple times throughout the years. He went on trial in October 2022 for insulting… More

Jihad As’ad Mohamed

Mohamed was a columnist and former editor-in-chief who wrote critical opinion pieces on the Syrian government and was supportive of the Revolution. He was arrested on August 10, 2013… More

Khushruz Jumayev Khushom Gulyam

In March 2022, Jumayev—a Pamiri blogger—was detained and interrogated for unkown reasons. Two months later, he was arrested, detained, and eventually charged with “participation in banned political groups." In… More

Turki Al-Jasser

Al-Jasser is a blogger, who often wrote on politics, social issues, and religion between 2013 & 2015; including women's status in islam and the uprising in Egypt. He was… More

Leong Sze Hian

A columnist and activist, Hian was ordered by the court to pay S$133k (US$98K) in damages for sharing a link on his Facebook page to an article alleging that… More

Sandra Rodríguez Cotto

A columnist, literary writer, and online commentator, Cotto has been facing continued harassment since 2018. She is accused of playing a role in the 2019 protests. in June 2022,… More

Vladimir Kara-Murza

Kara-Murza is a journalist, politician, and columnist who has long been targeted for his criticism of the Russian government. He survived two poisoning attempts in 2015 and 2017. He… More

Lama Ghosheh

A journalist and online commentator, Ghosheh also worked as a researcher at the Palestinian Museum in Birzeit. She was arrested at her home in August 2022 after sharing social… More

Lokman Slim

Slim was a renowned writer, columnist, and documentary filmmaker. He was the co-owner of the publishing house Dar al-Jadeed. In the days leading up to his assassination, Slim published… More

Uthaya Sankar SB

Writer and columnist Uthaya was taken in for investigation on April 11 and arrested for making a Facebook post on April 6 that allegedly insulted Prophet Muhammad. He was… More