Writers at Risk Database

Tsering Woeser

An award-winning Tibetan writer, Woeser was placed under house arrest in 2008 and again in 2014 for her activism for Tibetan rights. Her books are currently banned in China… More

Writers at Risk Database

Zhang Jianhong Li Hong

Leading dissident writer Zhang spent two years in a labor camp in the late '90s. He was imprisoned again in September 2006 and was denied medical treatment until his… More

Writers at Risk Database

Zhang Jialong

Zhang was detained in August 2019 in relation to his outspoken criticism of Chinese government censorship. The court accepted his tweets on digital freedom as evidence, and, on January… More

Qin Yongmin

Qin Yongmin is a writer, activist, and the co-founder of the Democratic Party of China. On May 6, 2015, he was arrested for inciting subversion of state power. In… More

Wang Jianmin

Wang, a U.S. national, was sentenced to five years in prison in 2014 on business-related charges for publishing two political gossip magazines. He was released in March 2019 upon… More

Tsi Conrad

Conrad, a photojournalist, was beaten and arrested at gunpoint in 2016 while filming a rally at which police killed four protesters. For disseminating the footage, Conrad was sentenced to… More

Writers at Risk Database

Javier Rebolledo Escobar

Rebolledo was charged with ‘serious insult’ in July 2018 after the publication of his work of non-fiction, titled in English Chameleon: The Double Life of a Communist Agent. He… More

Lu Guang

In November 2018, Lu was secretly arrested in Xinjiang while meeting with local photographers. Conditionally released nearly a year later, Lu is forced to live in Shanghai under surveillance… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gao Yu

Gao Yu has been imprisoned three times for her dissident reporting, most recently in 2014, when she was sentenced to seven years for revealing state secrets. In November 2015,… More

Chen Jieren

In retribution for his blog posts discussing fraud and corruption committed by a local party official and other government criticism, Chen Jieren was held in criminal detention for retaliatory… More