Writers at Risk Database

Akbar Ganji

Described as one of Iran's leading political dissidents, Ganji's writings are banned in the country. Ganji was imprisoned from 2001-2006 for participation in an academic conference and investigations into… More

Narges Mohammadi

Mohammadi, jailed relentlessly by authorities for her writing and advocacy, was freed in 2020, but in May 2021 was again sentenced to 2.5 years in prison and 80 lashes.… More

Writers at Risk Database

Hossein Rajabian

Rajabian was arrested in October 2013 with his brother Mehdi in connection with an underground music sharing website that they co-founded. He began serving his sentence in June 2016… More

Kameel Ahmady

Kameel Ahmady

Ahmady has written about female genital mutilation and child marriage in Iran and was arrested in 2019. He was arbitrarily detained for 100 days, then released conditionally. In December… More

Keyvan Bajan

Keyvan Bajan

Novelist-journalist Bajan was imprisoned on September 27, 2020 and sentenced to three-and-a-half years for his peaceful opposition of state censorship, leadership of the Iranian Writers’ Association, and commemoration of… More

Hansda Sowvendra Shekhar

Shekhar is a doctor and writer targeted for his writing on the Santhal community. In August 2017, after protestors burned his effigy and books, local authorities banned the sale… More

Swathi Vadlamudi

Vadlamudi was charged with hurting religious sentiments after posting a cartoon on Twitter that alludes to far-right Hindu demonstrations calling for the release of suspected perpetrators of the gang-rape… More

Writers at Risk Database

Dina Meza

Dina Meza, an internationally renowned human rights defender, journalist, and founding member of PEN Honduras, experiences ongoing harassment and surveillance. PEN believes she is targeted for practicing free expression,… More

Jairo López

A member of PEN Honduras, López has been repeatedly arrested in retaliation for his political commentary and reporting, and has been prohibited from leaving the country and required to… More

Writers at Risk Database

Aatish Taseer

Taseer, a U.S.-based writer of Indian origin, faced harassment by the Indian government following his May 2019 TIME cover story profiling Prime Minister Modi. In late 2019, authorities cancelled… More