Abdulaziz Al-Hais

Al-Hais, who had written about the Arab Spring and the roles that intellectuals play in the Middle East, was arrested from his home in November 2019 as part of… More

Bader Al-Ibrahim

A dual U.S.-Saudi citizen, Al-Ibrahim was part of a group of journalists and bloggers detained without charge in April 2019. A doctor and author of a book on Shiite… More

Sultan Al-Jumairi

Al-Jumairi was arrested in September 2018 in connection with activist comments on Twitter. It is unknown whether he has been formally charged or sentenced. More

Thumar Al-Marzouqi

Al-Marzouqi was seized in a home raid during a wave of arrests in April 2019, in what some believe was a crackdown on individuals supporting women’s rights in the… More

Maha Al-Rafidi Al-Qahtani

In September 2019, Saudi authorities raided Al-Qahtani's home and have held her in arbitrary pretrial detention since. As of January 2020 she was reportedly held in solitary confinement and… More

Bader Al-Rashed

On November 16, 2019, Al-Rashed was one of ten writers and journalists arrested by Saudi officials. He had previously written about regional security issues. He was released later that… More

Nassima Al-Sadah

Al-Sadah is a columnist whose writing questioned the male guardianship system and advocated for greater rights for women, including the right to drive. In late August 2018, Al-Sadah was… More

Mohammed Al-Sadiq

One of several writers arrested in April 2019, Al-Sadiq previously wrote about sectarianism, conflict, and economic inequality in the region. He was also active in the movement to end… More

Ali Al-Saffar

Al-Saffar is one of several commentators and writers arrested in April 2019. He had previously written about the Syrian Civil War and regional conflicts but had not been active… More

Writers at Risk Database

Jamal Khashoggi

After the exiled Saudi columnist's brutal murder in Istanbul in October 2018, journalists and advocacy groups mobilized worldwide to ensure that he would not be forgotten. However, the Saudi… More