Pham Chi Thanh Pham Thanh

A member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam, Pham Thanh is the author of several books and essays critical of government leaders. He was arrested on May 21,… More

Pham Doan Trang speaking on VOA

PEN America Reacts to Pham Doan Trang Conviction

"This sentence represents a heinous violation of Trang’s fundamental rights and of Vietnamese authorities’ commitments under international law,” said Karin Deutsch Karlekar, director of Free Expression at Risk Programs… More

Tran Duc Thach

Tran Duc Thach was arrested on April 23, 2020 and charged with “activities aimed at overthrowing the People’s Government” for his Facebook posts on government corruption and human rights… More

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Huu Minh Tuan Le Tuan

Le Tuan has written critically of government policies and in support of democracy. He was arrested in June 2020 under Article 117, related to propaganda against the state, for… More

Nguyen Tuong Thuy

Nguyen Tuong Thuy

Nguyen is a blogger, writing about civil rights and free speech online, and a member of the Independent Journalists Association of Vietnam. He was detained on May 23, 2020… More