Aytekin Gezici

Gezici is a prominent political commentator, Zaman reporter, and author of more than 25 books on Turkish politics. He has been accused of “violating confidentiality” in his books and… More

Cengiz Çandar

Cengiz Çandar

The author of seven books and a columnist, Çandar was tried from 2021 to 2023 for “praising crime and criminals” due to a 2017 tweet on a Kurdish… More

Deniz Yücel

Deniz Yücel

Columnist Yücel was subjected to pre-trial detention--including solitary confinement and torture--and then indicted in 2018 with producing “terrorism propaganda,” and “inciting the public to hatred and enmity.” Now in… More

Erk Acarer

Acarer is a Turkish columnist and author who has been living in exile in Berlin since 2017. On July 7, 2021, he was attacked outside of his home by… More

Ali Bulaç

A former columnist for the shuttered Zaman newspaper, Bulaç was one of many journalists rounded up after the failed 2016 coup in Türkiye. He spent over a year in… More

Ahmet Sever

A writer and journalist, Sever has been on trial since April 2019 on charges of insulting President Erdoğan in Sever's book My Testimony. An advisor and press chief to… More

Emre Günsal

Comedian Günsal was arrested in Istanbul in April 2020 for content written for his stand-up show that allegedly insulted Türkiye's first president Kemal Atatürk and prominent figures in the… More

Hasan Basri Aydın

Writer and retired literature professor Hasan Basri Aydın has been imprisoned 27 times for his writing. He was detained at the airport in September 2020 on charges of insulting… More

Murat Ağırel

Columnist Ağırel was arrested and held in isolation in March 2020 over allegedly spreading national security secrets. An investigation was launched for “insults” in his book Sarmal, for which… More

Ömer Aslan Porçay

In 2018, popular satirist Aslan, known as Porçay on YouTube, was charged with encouraging the use of drugs for writing a satirical rap song, parodying another song. In February… More