Ahmet Turan Alkan

A columnist for Zaman newspaper and literary writer, Alkan has been facing harassment for his written work since 2016. He was sentenced to 2 years and six months in… More

Arzu Demir

A literary writer and journalist, Demir was sentenced to 6 years in prison for writing two books titled “Dağın Kadın Hali (Womanly State of the Mountain)” and “Devrimin Rojava… More

Mehmet Sahin

Sahin, a Kurdish columnist, has faced ongoing persecution since 2016, including job dismissal and lawsuits. In June 2022, Sahin was arrested along with 15 other Kurdish journalists in Diyarbakir… More

Azad Zal Mehmet Güngõmüs

A writer, former journalist, translator, and Kurdish-language teacher, Zal was released from prison in 2004 after spending 12 years in prison. He was arrested again on June 30, 2020… More

Kaan Göktas

Goktas is journalist and online commentator who writes on cybersecurity. He was sentenced to two years in prison in 2021 for sharing a poem by Ottoman poet Sunbulzade Vehi… More

Ender Imrek

A columnist and political party founder and leader, Imrek has been legally harassed and imprisoned multiple times throughout the years. He went on trial in October 2022 for insulting… More

Ergün Poyraz

A literary writer, Poyraz is best known for his controversial views on the ruling AKP party and the faith-based Gülen movement. He wrote a best seller titled "The Children… More

Enver Aysever

Enver Aysever

A sociologist and former columnist for the independent newspaper Cumhuriyet, Aysever was arrested in March 2021 for "provoking the public to hatred and hostility” by tweeting a political cartoon… More

Şebnem Korur Fincancı

Şebnem Korur Fincancı

Fincancı, a human rights activist and expert, was arrested after serving as a guest editor for pro-Kurdish newspaper Özgür Gündem. Her acquittal was overturned in November 2020 and she… More

Yavuz Ekinci

Yavuz Ekinci

Yavuz Ekinci is a literary writer whose work focuses on the Kurdish minority in Türkiye. His pro-Kurdish tweets led to his indictment for “making terrorist propaganda.” His trial began… More