Ahmet Telli

Telli is a poet whose work often focuses on Kurdish rights. He has faced persecution for his writing since the 1980s. In 2020, he was tried on false charges… More

Bariş Pehlivan

Author and journalist Pehlivan was arrested in February 2020 for “disclosing information” on intelligence agencies in his reporting. He was sentenced to 3 years and 9 months in prison… More

Güngör Arslan

Arslan, a columnist, was editor of the Ses Kocaeli newspaper. One of the newspapers he owned was shut down after the July 2016 coup. Arslan was murdered outside his… More

Merdan Yanardağ

Writer Yanardağ faced 2 separate trials in 2023. He was tried for “insulting the president” starting in March, on charges stemming from a 2022 article. Additionally, he was detained… More

Memduh Bayraktaroglu

Bayraktaroglu is a columnist for Korkusuz newspaper. On February 24, 2023 a group of alleged ultranationalists attempted to raid his home following a tweet he posted two days earlier.… More

Abdulselam Kilgi Selamo

A scriptwriter and poet, Kilgi was arrested and detained at Izmir Airport on his way back to Türkiye from Germany. Sources say that the arrest was related to a… More