Abdukodir Rustam

Rustam, a writer and editor, was arrested in August 2023 for editing Abdukholik Kholikzoda’s memoir Events of My Life. Copies of the book were confiscated by authorities, while Rustam… More

Abdukholil Kholikzoda

The author of the memoir The Events of My Life, Kholikzoda was arrested in August 2023 and copies of his memoir were confiscated by authorities. The Tajik prosecutor accused… More

Khushruz Jumayev Khushom Gulyam

In March 2022, Jumayev—a Pamiri blogger—was detained and interrogated for unkown reasons. Two months later, he was arrested, detained, and eventually charged with “participation in banned political groups." In… More

Daler Sharifov

On January 28, 2020, authorities detained Sharifov in a home raid and later charged him with inciting ethnic, racial, and religious hatred. In April 2020, he was sentenced to… More

Bbc Journalist Found Guilty, Released Under Amnesty Law

Urinboy Usmonov, journalist with the British Broadcasting Service’s Central Asian Service, has been found guilty of spreading Islamic propaganda through his reporting on the banned extremist group Hizb-ut-Tahir. More

Trial of Bbc Journalist Begins

The trial of journalist Urinboy Usmonov of the British Broadcasting Service’s Central Asian Service has begun. Usmonov has been indicted on fabricated charges of "complicity in the activities of… More

Bbc Journalist Released on Bail

PEN International welcomes the news that Urinboy Usmonov, who has worked for ten years for the British Broadcasting Corporation’s (BBC) Central Asian Service, has been released on bail. More

BBC Journalist Charged

PEN International protests the indictment of journalist Urinboy Usmonov on charges believed to be linked to his legitimate activities as a journalist. More

Bbc Journalist Arrested

PEN International joins the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) in condemning the reported beating of its staff member, journalist Urunboy Usmonov in police custody in Tajikistan and the… More