Asad Ali Toor

Opinion journalist and vlogger Toor has a large following on social media, where he has critically spoken of Pakistan’s chief justice and military. In 2021, he was attacked and… More

Syed Fawad Ali Shah

Pakistani columnist Shah was forced into exile in Malaysia for his writing on corruption in Pakistan. He was first kidnapped in 2011 by Pakistani Intelligence Services (the ISI) for… More

Sajid Soomro

Soomro was arrested on June 10, 2020, when dozens of police officers raided his home. Authorities filed a blasphemy case under the Pakistan Penal Code for Soomro’s writings that… More

Ahmad Waqass Goraya

Goraya disappeared in early 2020 after publishing a Facebook page critical of the government. Freed several weeks later, he moved to the Netherlands, claiming the Pakistani state tortured him… More

Junaid Hafeez

Hafeez, a liberal academic, was arrested for blasphemy in 2013 and has been in solitary confinement since 2014. An Islamist group lodged the accusation against him to prevent his… More

Mohammed Hanif

Mohammed Hanif

In December 2019, the son of former president General Zia ul Haq filed a defamation notice against Hanif, citing Hanif's satirical novel, A Case of Exploding Mangoes. The book's… More

DARE: Daily Alert on Rights and Expression

Justice Dept. Inspector General launches probe into FBI's handling of Clinton emails, prompting the President-elect to slam his former rival on Twitter as "guilty as hell." Secretary of State-designate… More