Freddy Quezada

Philosopher Quezada was fired from his university position in 2018 for criticizing Ortega’s regime. He was arrested in November 2023, hours after publishing a social media post critical of… More

Gabriela Selser

Selser is a journalist who wrote The truth about the 2018 rebellion in Nicaragua, which covers the start of President Ortega's authoritative regime. She is also the author of… More

Victor Ticay

Ticay, a broadcast journalist for a local TV channel, is serving an 8 year prison sentence for his online commentary on his Facebook page "La Portada." In his trial… More

Sergio Ramirez

Notable literary writer and winner of the 2017 Cervantes Prize, Ramirez is an outspoken critic of the Nicaraguan government. He wrote a novel Tongolele no Sabia Bailar in 2021… More

Óscar-René Vargas

Fleeing into exile in 2018, the well-known sociologist and writer Vargas was arressted immediately upon his return to Nicaragua in November 2022. Detained for nearly three months, Vargas was… More

Miguel Mendoza Urbina

A former sports journalist in Nicaragua, Miguel Mendoza Urbina began publishing his dissident political opinions on Twitter and Facebook where he has a significant following. On June 21, 2021,… More

Writers at Risk Database

Gioconda Belli

Writer and poet Belli was one of three PEN Nicaragua members to be subjected to harassment through the circulation of an anonymous video which identified them as behind a… More