Mazen Latif

Latif is a literary writer and owner of publishing house Mesopotamia. He is alos an activist who was heavily involved in the Baghdad protest movement. He was kidnapped from… More

Sherwan Amin Sherwani

A columnist and online commentator known for his writing on corruption, Sherwani was first arrested in 2019 in connection to two articles he wrote. He was rearrested in October… More

Alaa Mashzoub

Alaa Mashzoub

On February 2, 2019, Mashzoub was murdered by an anonymous motorcycle gunman in Karbala. Prior to his death, Mashzoub was a vocal critic of Iraqi religious sectarianism and his… More

Ahmad Abdulhusain

On July 25, 2018, the head of the IMN, an Iraqi government holding company, issued an order terminating poet and journalist Abdulhusain as an editor-in-chief following his refusal to… More

Saad Salloum

Writer and coordinator of the Masarat Foundation for Cultural and Media Development, Salloum and others at the Foundation faced death threats throughout 2017-18 from an anonymous Islamist organization. The… More