American-Iranian Journalist Detained Without Charge

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of Iranian-American journalist and writer Roxana Saberi, who has been held incommunicado without charge in Evin Prison, Tehran, since late January… More

11-Year Sentence Upheld for Kurdish Journalist

International PEN strongly protests the decision of the Tehran Appeal Court to uphold the 11-year prison sentence handed down to Kurdish journalist Mohammad Sadiq Kabudvand on October 23, 2008. More

Journalist Released from Prison

International PEN welcomes the release of leading journalist and human rights defender Emadeddin Baqi, upon expiry of his sentence. More

Kurdish Journalist Sentenced to 11 Years

International PEN is shocked by the 11-year prison sentence handed down to Kurdish journalist Mohammad Sadiq Kabudvand on June 22, 2008, on charges of "acting against national security" for… More

Imprisoned Journalist’s Health Critical

International PEN is seriously concerned about reports that leading journalist and human-rights defender Emadeddin Baqi has suffered another heart attack in prison on May 7, 2008. More