Kamran Takuk

Takuk, a Kurdish poet, was arrested on January 11, 2022, and then released on bail 6 days later. He was convicted on February 21, 2022 and sentenced to 28… More

Aida Amidi

A poet and a member of the Iranian Writers' Association, Amidi was arrested at her home and taken to an undisclosed location on December 5, 2022. After hours of… More

Ali Ahmadzadeh

Iranian filmmaker and diretor Ahmadzadeh was arrested in Tehran on unknown charges on August 31, 2022. He was then released on September 3. He says that he is still… More

Ali Asadollahi

A noted poet and the secretary of the Iranian Writers' Association, Asadollahi was detained on November 21, 2022 after he had published poems on his website about a teenager… More

Alireza Adineh

A poet and member of the Iranian Writers' Association, Adineh was arrested on November 30, 2022, a week after he was summoned for questioning by the Ministry of Information… More

Keyvan Mohtadi

Mohtadi is a writer, translator, and labor activist. In recent years, his membership in the Iranian Writers’ Association and support of workers' rights have made him a target. On… More