Julián Fuks

Author of Resistance, Fuks has faced harassment for a column he wrote about Brazilian then-president Bolsonaro. The 2016 winner of Brazil's prestigious Jabuti literary prize, he has received death… More

Jeferson Tenório

Author of The Back of the Skin, Tenório received death threats while on tour to promote his book in São Paulo, Brazil in March 2022. The original title O… More

Dom Phillips

A columnist and literary writer, Phillips was shot and killed on June 5, 2022 in the remote Javari Valley in the western part of the Amazonas in Brazil. He… More

Rubens Valente

A long time reporter who has written two books, Valente was sued for defamation after writing a book on the arrest and release of Brazil's most powerful bankers by… More

Joao Paolo Cuenca

João Paulo Cuenca

In response to a satirical tweet involving President Jair Bolsonaro, writer and filmmaker Cuenca has faced over 140 targeted and costly lawsuits from state officials and religious leaders, demanding… More

Renata Carvalho

Carvalho faces police harassment, death and rape threats, and attempted physical attacks for acting in O Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu, a play that explores the multiplicity of trans… More

Jo Clifford

Jo Clifford

Clifford has faced police harassment, death and rape threats, and attempted physical attacks in for authoring O Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu, a play that explores the multiplicity of… More

Natalia Mallo

Mallo faces police harassment, death and rape threats, and attempted physical attacks in Brazil for directing O Segundo Jesus, Rainha do Céu, a play that explores the multiplicity of… More