Walls (an excerpt)

On the other side of the world, thirty years after Billy died in Vietnam, Brophy lay face down the grass of another valley as bullets hit the ground nearby.… More

The Glove Compartment

For everyone in else in my family, the realization came gradually: a gesture here, a phrase there eventually added up to what they had seen all along but had… More

The Last Run (An Excerpt)

Louis Gentry stood outside Kings County Hospital. His new shoes killing him. A forty-five year old ex-con with a limp in his left leg—a nerve severed by a shiv… More


Prisoners like to talk about the conditions in other prisons, as if the comparison might improve their mood, or give them another reason to voice a complaint. So when… More

Walker’s Requiem

I could see myself in the dark mahogany coffin. How I had gotten there and why was something I couldn't remember. I could hear the hum of an organ… More

Recipe For Prison Pruno

Take ten peeled oranges,Jarvis Masters, it is the judgment and sentence of this court,one 8 oz. bowl of fruit cocktail,that the charged information was true,squeeze the fruit into a… More

My Turn

On a quiet day almost twenty years ago I watched two fellow prisoners at Florida State Prison enter Dana DeWitt's cell and stab him so viciously that his blood… More

‘Doing Time’

We've seen it all already, and it has been real enough, the cellblock riots, the black majority, what goes on inside prison walls. We've heard the clang of the… More