Summer Snow

*The following is a true account. Everything actually took place at the end of summer of 1982.On July 8, 1982, I turned fourteen years old. It was the middle… More

Amos Fuller Doesn’t Speak

Amos Fuller Doesn't SpeakAmos Fuller doesn’t speak.He sometimes sits with us when there is room,His stark dinner tray occupying his privatequarter of the table.His khakis are always neat and… More

Horizon’s Edge

CHARACTERSTHE PRESENT:JOHN: The Dungeon Master, wears prisoner whites.OFFICER: The Prison Guard, wears confederate gray uniform.CHARLIE: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.JIM: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.DAVID: Dungeons &… More


Scene 1The setting is a street corner in a residential neighborhood of the mid-1960s. The corner of a lawn enclosed in a picket fence is down right. A street… More

Static Night

Apartment 25A stepped back from Jake as he stepped up from the parking lot. The too-crisp edges of the cheap apartment door flexed as if laughing. Next to it,… More

A Time to Forget

THE SETTING is the living room of an apartment filled, almost cluttered, with a mixture of modern and old-fashioned furniture—vases, lamps, bowls, small tables and cabinets containing all manner… More

A Family’s Ties

*This story is dedicated to Mrs. Vera Prather. Without her loving support this story may never have been told.My parents had a secret. And as secrets go, they shared… More

Days of Our Lives

Military Contractors and financial companies led shares higher yesterday . . .As bombs beat blood out of Palestinian RefugeesIn response to the latest suicide blood oathIn the name of… More