Flattop for Cherry Hill

This is a story about the experiences I have had as a prison barber. I was incarcerated at the C.E. Egeler Correctional Facility in Jackson, Michigan 1995-1998.Cherry Hill is… More

Zargana: Oblivion

OblivionAt night the moonbeams snap.The stars are suffocated.That maligned, unhappy barn owlscreeches out its grief.The old train on the trackshurtles to its destructionwheezing out its last breath. And I? I… More

Letter for Steve Champion

I am writing on behalf of Steve Champion, who I've spoken to this morning (April 15, 2007). He is in Orange, California for a court date, which is why… More

Absolver of Sing Sing

FADE IN:INT. TED’S CELL—DAYTEDDY PEDDLETON exits when the gate opens. He’s visibly shattered emotionally.START CREDITSON THE GALLERYTed moves toward the exit; WATUSI and another prisoner from their cells make… More

Deadly Innocence

FADE IN:EXT. EAST TEXAS—TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION FACILITY—DAYAs we begin to pan the campus, the words CROCKET STATE SCHOOL JUVENILE PRISON—JULY 1987 are displayed across the center of the screen,… More

Time Cut for Willy

Cast of Characters:William (Willy) Conrad Barns: Eighteen and looks younger. Small boned and effeminate with blonde hair and blue eyes. Pretty boy.Susan (Sam) Allison Macmillan: Petite redhead with a… More

Hiding Franz Fanon

Scene 2(Building Major Lenny Bealy sits behind his desk, hunting and pecking on a dummy terminal. A knock sounds on the door.)Major: Yeah. C’mon in, Shakir.(Enter Shakir, wide-eyed.)Major: Close… More

A Requiem for Freddy

His liver destroyed by Hepatitis C, Robert Hagenson didn’t receive a transplant, but a type of early parole—in a body bag. His sudden deterioration and death hit many of… More

San Quentin, July 4th, 1975

I stabbed with my right fist, coming up to the imaginary point of my opponent’s chin. The “clack” of the cell doors being unlocked came closer. I bobbed, ducking… More