A Kind of Vast Fiction

From: Jonathan LethemTo: David GatesSubject: the old transmissionHey, David. As I was saying to my 2,472 friends the other day, these certainly are strange times in the history of… More

Horoscopes For the Dead

Horoscopes For the DeadEvery morning since you fell down on the face of the earth,I read about you in the newspaperalong with the box scores, the weather, and all… More


HungerWhy don’t I eat something newlike the map of Sudan, for exampleor the Egyptian deltain a longitudinal slicefrom split branches to moutha million generations of built up siltor eat… More

A Game

Marrell and Tom’s living room, after the dinner part of the dinner party.Tom:Jane: Tom: Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Tom & Marrell:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell & Tom:Jane:Tom & Marrell:Jane:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom & Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Jane:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell & Alan:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jane:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jane:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All… More

Ten Approximations

East German ChinaLove, like music, is always a true story—in the spring of 1980, half a year before we emigrated to Israel, my grandfather decided to smuggle his collection… More

A Collaborator in Kashmir

After flights from Delhi to Jammu and then on to Srinagar, I rode north in a taxi to Sopore, closer to the Pakistan border. I’d come to Kashmir to meet… More

The Trade

Actually, she was certain. The test had been positive, and she’d done it twice. So in a way she’d known, but she hadn’t told anyone, not even Will. It… More

Pistachio, Down, and My Fat Uncle

After reading lots of Lydia DavisPISTACHIOI’m snacking and I find myself thinking: A pistachio is a bad parable. The ones that are easiest to open are also the tastiest.… More


1They lived, when he was growing up, in a simple house, an old bungalow with a converted attic and sides covered in cedar shake. In the back, where an… More