Notes on the Melody of Things

I. We are right at the start, do you see.As though before everything. Witha thousand and one dreams behind us andno act.II. I can imagine no knowledge holierthan this:that… More

The Dark Side

Two years later, Kleinman was exonerated by the Department of Defense’s investigation. He was thanked for upholding the law by the Inspector General at the Joint Forces command and… More

Tikkun, Evening Prayer

Tikkun (Midnight Prayer)The Caesars who built the citiesdidn’t intend this kind of silencein which trees tear up the air’s shelter with their growthand the lazy moon journeys in the… More

Cope’s Rule, Nepenthe, Magpie Lark

Cope’s RuleAccording to Edward Drinker Cope,nineteenth-century paleontologist, fossil records showlineages become larger over millenniaindicating that bigger is more successful.Though later scientists offered further support for Cope's rule,from mammals to… More

Fady Joudah: Proof of Kindness, Checkpoint

Fady Joudah was a finalist for the 2008 Poetry in Translation Award for The Butterfly’s Burden, a collection of three recent books by Mahmoud Darwish. Proof of KindnessTaxi driver drives… More

The Maias

One dreary December day of heavy rain, Afonso da Maia was sitting in his study reading, when the door flew open; he looked up and saw Pedro standing before… More