Ahmed Naji in 2015

Court Orders Retrial for Ahmed Naji

The court's decision to order a retrial for the novelist prolongs a legal battle over free expression in Egypt that has already gone on far too long. More

Oğuz Güven

TURKEY: Cumhuriyet Daily Web Editor Arrested

PEN is deeply concerned about the arrest of Cumhuriyet daily web editor Oğuz Güven, bringing the number of Cumhuriyet staff currently jailed pending trial to 13. Güven was arrested… More

Yahya al-Jubaihi

YEMEN: Death sentence against prominent writer

PEN is deeply concerned about the death sentence issued by a Houthi court in Sana’a against Yahya al-Jubaihi, a prominent Yemeni writer and journalist, after a grossly unfair trial.… More