PEN, Co-Plaintiffs Settle OFAC Lawsuit

PEN joined publishing industry co-plaintiffs today in announcing that they have successfully resolved their lawsuit against the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”). OFAC has revised its… More

Promoting democracy while suppressing ideas

This spring, the U.S. State Department sent a message to the Association of American Publishers announcing new procedures for expediting business visas for U.S. companies' foreign employees, customers and… More

Free Speech Groups Sue Over Visa Denial

The government is increasingly using secret evidence allowed under new antiterrorism laws to prevent certain critics from entering the United States, according to a group of civil rights and… More

PEN Applauds Introduction of NSL Reform Act

The Campaign for Reader Privacy, a coalition of organizations representing librarians, booksellers, publishers, and authors, cheered the introduction today of legislation to safeguard the privacy of ordinary Americans and… More

Resolution on Iraqi Refugee Crisis

Noting with profound concern the grave and growing refugee crisis precipitated by the US-led intervention in Iraq and exacerbated by the rise of terrorism and sectarian violence. More

Bush can do more for refugees

Dakar, Senegal—There is George W. Bush and there's Larry Siems. Siems is among those Americans, like Senator Ted Kennedy, who want their president to take moral responsibility for creating… More