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Phone: 646-799-4818
PEN America in Birmingham
Recent Events
Birmingham Reads: “Agency of the Black Dollar In History”
Join us for an interactive community discussion on black entrepreneurship as a means of social liberation in Birmingham. More…
Birmingham Reads: “To whom does this place belong?”
Join us for an interactive community discussion on the legacy marginalization, colorism and gentrification in Birmingham. More…
Birmingham Reads: Who Bears the Legacy of Slavery?
Join us for an interactive community discussion on the legacy of slavery in Birmingham by examining genealogy and family histories. More…
Birmingham Reads: A City-Wide Read Kickoff Event
Celebrating Black and Southern culture, the Birmingham Reads kickoff will feature music, dance and poetry! More…
Birmingham Reads: “Decolonizing Language”
Join us for an interactive community discussion on the effects of colonization on education, language, identity, and power. More…