Search Results for: russia

Writers at Risk Database

Stanislav Aseyev

Ukrainian writer Aseyev was kidnapped by pro-Russian militants in June 2017 and forced to confess to "spying." For 3 years, he had published reports on life under Russian occupation… More

Writers at Risk Database

Oleh Halaziuk

Radio Free Europe columnist Halaziuk was detained by Russian-backed separatists from August 2017 through December 2019. Since the outbreak of conflict in Ukraine, he had covered everyday living conditions… More

Mykola Semena

Mykola Semena

Police arrested opinion writer and reporter Semana 7 months after he wrote an article in 2015 denouncing Russia's annexation of Crimea. On conditional release post-arrest, he received a 2… More

Roman Sushchenko

A Ukrainian journalist and artist who reported on Russian propaganda, Sushchenko was arrested in Moscow in September 2016 and sentenced to 12 years in prison for "spying." He was… More

Writers at Risk Database

Kirill Serebrennikov

Playwright and theater director Serebrennikov was placed on house arrest in 2017 for embezzlement and convicted in June 2020. The court handed him a three-year suspended sentence and fine… More

Writers at Risk Database

Oleg Sentsov

After being arrested in Crimea, Ukrainian filmmaker was Sentsov given a 20-year sentence on terrorism charges in August 2015. Following five years in a Russian jail—including a hunger strike… More

Writers at Risk Database

Natalya Sharina

Sharina, head of the Ukrainian Literature Library in Moscow, was detained and put under house arrest in 2015 after authorities raided the library and found several Ukrainian nationalist works… More

Writers at Risk Database

Tomasz Piątek

Journalist and writer Piątek faced potential criminal charges for a book published in June 2017, which examines the links between Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz and the Russian military intelligence… More