Search Results for: russia

Eduard Charlotte

Pop singer and blogger Charlotte staged several symbolic anti-war actions in 2023. He was arrested upon returning to Russia in November 2023. He faces criminal charges for “rehabilitating Nazism,”… More

Elena Kostyuchenko

Kostyuchenko is an exiled journalist and writer. After the outbreak of Russia’s war on Ukraine, she was forced to leave a reporting assignment in Mariupol after learning of an… More

Junaidullo Khodyorov

In August 2018, Russia-based Tajik blogger Khodyorov was sentenced to 5 years in prison in Tajikistan for “supporting terrorism” in relation to his writing about a trip to the… More

Sergei Gulyaev

Gulyaev, an exiled Russian writer and politician, was censured by prominent public figures in May 2023 for his 2022 book on the war in Ukraine, Sunset in Brown Tones.… More

Zhenya Berkovich

Theater director and poet Zhenya Berkovich was detained for allegedly "justifying terrorism" in her play "Finist, the Brave Falcon. She was arrested along with Svetlana Petriychuk on May 4,… More

Svetlana Petriychuk

Playwright Svetlana Petriychuk was detained on May 4, 2023 for writing the play "Finist, the Brave Falcon." She was accused along with theater director Zhenya Berkovich of "justifying terrorism"… More

Andrea Mitchell

Andrea Mitchell, NBC News’ Chief Washington Correspondent and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent, is also host of MSNBC's “Andrea Mitchell Reports.” A veteran political correspondent for NBC News, Mitchell has… More