Search Results for: PEN TEN

From The Man With My Face

The Father and the DaughterThere once was a girl who looked so much like herfather that no one in the town could tell them apart.Despite their difference in age… More

Dancing in the Dark

Act One(1873-1903)It is February 1903 and at present he is impersonating Shylock Homestead in the musical In Dahomey, but only after dark. He shambles about as though unsure what… More

From Real Karaoke People

Summer evenings around a picnic table metropolis’d with food and condiments, the man’s fingers sweep the moon from his wife’s black mane, humming of lovers in an oarless boat on the East Sea… More

Government Declines to Appeal Ruling

In a case considered a bellwether of United States policy toward foreign scholars, the government has decided not to appeal a court ruling ordering it to either issue a… More

Who’s Afraid of Shirin Ebadi?

Under cover of the international furor over its nuclear activities and its support for Hezbollah, Iran is trying to silence its most prominent human-rights activist, and, by extension, all… More

Books vs. Goons

A butterfly flaps its wings in India, and we feel the breeze on our cheeks here in New York. A throat is cleared somewhere in Africa and in California… More

Money Can’t Buy Us Democracy

Tehran, Iran--In February, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Congress for $75 million to help Iran's democratic opposition. In Iran , her request was widely discussed in the… More