Search Results for: PEN TEN

Continental Divides

I’ll begin by reading from my book Facing the Lion: Growing Up Maasai on the African Savanna:During the middle of the night, I woke to this huge sound—like rain,… More

Reinventing Home

MICHAEL ONDAATJE: In Purple Hibiscus, on the acknowledgments page at the end, there’s a wonderful sense of community—I almost want you to read that because it feels like part… More

Enormous Changes: Ha Jin & Eliot Weinberger

ELIOT WEINBERGER: Your life has had such an amazing trajectory from semi-literate Chinese soldier to distinguished American novelist in such a short amount of time. You joined the army… More

A Gloom Is Cast Upon the Ancient Steps

Chapter 2. Claimants to the InheritanceHe didn’t recognize his aunt Tatyana Leonidovna in the old woman who met him on the platform. “The years had left an indelible imprint… More

And Yet…

Censorship—for most writers it’s a word that immediately raises a red flag. It brings up visions of totalitarian states abroad and right-wing cabals at home. What first-amendment-loving, ACLU-supporting scribe… More