Search Results for: russia

Anna Nemzer

Anna Nemzer is a young Russian novelist with an expanding following. She was a finalist for the Belkin prize and is also an editor at TVRain (Dozhd), which struggles to continue as an independent TV station. She… More

Free Expression Digest: Weds., December 30th

Turkish journalist faces five years in prison for ‘insulting’ Erdogan A lawsuit has been opened against the editor-in-chief of Turkey’s leading secular Hürriyet newspaper, Sedat Ergin, with a demand that… More

In Conversation: Vladimir Sorokin and Keith Gessen

In today's PEN Podcast, we feature a conversation between n+1 co-editor Keith Gessen and Russian novelist Vladimir Sorokin. Sorokin's novel The Blizzard was recently longlisted for PEN's 2016 Literary… More