Search Results for: PEN TEN

Satirical Plays Attacked and Banned

International PEN strongly protests attacks against the cast and crew of the satirical play The Crocodile of Zambezi, and its banning by the police, in Bulawayo in May 2008. More

Dissident Writer Chen Daojun Charged

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention and well-being of dissident writer and journalist Chen Daojun, who was detained on May 9, 2008, near the city of Chengdu,… More


I“Thank you,” Mary Brown said with a polite and sing-song cheerfulness, accepting the bill from the hand of old Mrs. Dowding. As her fingers touched in the price numbers,… More

The Man From Far Away

While clearing out his closet on the day he was to leave his home forever, my father, momentarily alert, unyieldingly stoic, and eighty-eight years at it, offers me an… More

The Last Dream of Plaquemines

I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead,I lift my lids and all is born again.(I think I made you up inside my head)The stars go waltzing… More

Gulfisland Ferry Road

Little Joe hit Buster from behind with a three-foot section of galvanized steel, hit him so hard the single flat note of it echoed through the welding shop like… More

The News

In the summer before the final caged summer I received the news. Actually I did not receive I took it, the way a kid takes his first spanking—with disbelief… More

No Medals for Human Rights

Last week the PEN American Center announced it was sending out letters to the Bush Administration and Congressional leaders protesting, fifty days before the start of the Olympics, the… More

A Felon and His Subconscious

CHARACTERSFelonFelon’s SubconsciousMotherBrotherUncleA Shop OwnerExThe setting is a dingy living room apartment. Stage left is a television with a sofa in front of it. A few tables and chairs and… More