Search Results for: PEN TEN

Prominent Dissident Writer Liu Xiaobo Detained

International PEN is seriously concerned about the detention of prominent dissident writer Liu Xiaobo, former President and Board member of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, who was arrested on… More

Poet Yusuf Juma Ill-Treated in Prison

PEN is seeking assurances of Yusuf Juma’s well-being, clarification of the reasons for Yusuf Juma’s detention, and assurances that he is not being held in denial of his right… More

Day of the Imprisoned Writer

In the past year, the Writers in Prison Committee (WiPC) of International PEN has monitored the cases of more than 1,000 writers and journalists in 90 countries, 200 of… More

Newspaper Publisher to Be Detained Until 2009

International PEN protests the detention of newspaper journalist and publisher Lewis Medjo, who has been held since September 22, 2008, on charges of “publishing false news.” More

Journalist Released from Prison

International PEN welcomes the release of leading journalist and human rights defender Emadeddin Baqi, upon expiry of his sentence. More

Days in Prison

Día 4Mi nueva vida me ha llevado a latir en forma de embrión o de mundo. Tengo una interconexión con el embrión de cada ser humano. Vi todos los… More