Search Results for: PEN TEN

Wife of Chinese dissident asks Obama for help

The case of jailed Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo flared up in the American media this weekend, after Liu's wife Liu Xia published a Washington Post editorial asking President Barack… More

US activists back Chinese dissident

US human rights activists have launched a campaign to free prominent Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo (劉曉波), whose case has become a cause celebre outside China. The Washington Post carried… More

How Does the World Change?

Who is changing the world? And to whose interest?Those super powers who own God, absolute truths, nuclear weapons, money, and media? Or millions of women, men, and children who… More

Abenteuer eines jungen Affen

Wie oft in meinem Leben war auch diesmal die Initiative nicht von mir ausgegangen. Sie hatte bei dem damals sechzigjährigen Schriftsteller F. gelegen, der für manchen von uns Himmel… More

Raja Shehadeh: After “The Fact”

There were serious controversies about the project. Some thought the shameful past is better forgotten than commemorated. The “never again” contingent were into documentation and preserving the memory in… More

Night Zoo

My heart began racing the moment I reached the entrance. We hadn’t seen each other for a week, and after so long your absence was almost unbearable. Occasionally we… More

Being Saïd

On a stage in New York, a Director, an Actor, and an Actress are struggling to finish a play written by Saïd Sayrafiezadeh.Director: (Addressing the audience.) Ladies and gentlemen,… More