Search Results for: PEN TEN

A Truly Mad Business

From: Claire MessudTo: Mohammed Naseehu AliSubject: a place to beginDear Mohammed,It’s Claire Messud here, with a wave & a shout. It’s with great pleasure that I’ve been reading a… More

A Kind of Vast Fiction

From: Jonathan LethemTo: David GatesSubject: the old transmissionHey, David. As I was saying to my 2,472 friends the other day, these certainly are strange times in the history of… More

A Game

Marrell and Tom’s living room, after the dinner part of the dinner party.Tom:Jane: Tom: Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Tom & Marrell:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell & Tom:Jane:Tom & Marrell:Jane:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom & Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Marrell:Tom:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Jean-Pierre:Tom:Marrell:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Jane:Tom:Alan:Tom:Marrell & Alan:Tom:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jean-Pierre:Alan:Marrell:Alan:Marrell:Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jane:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Tom:Jane:Alan:Jane:Tom:Jane:Marrell:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All Except Jane:Jane:All… More

In Sfax

I no longer know exactly how this strange premonition came about, but I was certain I was going to die on this trip to Tunisia. I’ve often taken the… More

A Neighborhood Rite of Passage

The game was walking the plank, only this game was enacted over a ten story silo in a abandoned chocolate factory, at one time the employment epicenter of the… More

Boo to a Goose

I saw that phrase again: “He wouldn’t say boo to a goose.” It gets to me every time when I read it in some book, and thank God I… More

As the Creamed Beef Goes…

For those of you unfortunate enough to be unacquainted with this particular culinary delight, creamed beef is simply: browned ground beef, simmered in cream of mushroom soup, and served… More

Inmate Jane Doe

If one is to believe all the reports that the media broadcast or prints, one would think that 99% of all offenders were male. With the exception of a… More

Runaway Justice

Just a few miles from the courthouse the two Durham County deputies stopped at a diner and bought me a hamburger and milkshake, and from there the four-hour ride… More

Funeral for a Dog

My bag in the back of the truck, the Antarctica bottles open, and we're off. David at the wheel of the red pickup, Felix in an open shirt and… More