Search Results for: PEN TEN

Enoh Meyomesse:Ma Vie en Prison (francais)

Mes premiers jours ont été difficiles à Kondengui, où je suis arrivé jeudi 22 décembre 2011 à 14 heures, quoique, en comparaison aux trente passés en garde à vue… More

Susana Amaral’s The Hour of the Star

Great novels are seldom, if ever, successfully translated to the screen (Luchino Visconti’s film adaptation of Giuseppe di Lampedusa’s The Leopard is the one exception that immediately comes to… More

I Am All of Yourselves

Was it because nobody expects the greatest Jewish writer since Kafka to be a part-time beauty columnist whose Chanel suits and wraparound sunglasses made her look more like a… More

Viewpoint: Bitter taste of freedom

For those of us who live in a free society, it’s difficult to imagine what it’s like to survive in a place where expressing your views and asking that… More