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June 17 is the third anniversary of the jailing of Raif Badawi
Badawi has been detained since June 17, 2012 for creating an online discussion forum. The sentence passed on him after a series of unfair trials-10 years and 1,000- lashes was upheld by the Supreme Court 10 days ago. REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS

Exiled from Syria: When the most dangerous place for journalists is your country 
Syrian journalists have been harassed or imprisoned by the Assad regime as well as threatened or attacked by militant groups such as Islamic State. Ultimately, dozens have been forced to flee into exile. These are four of their stories. COMMITTEE TO PROTECT JOUNRALISTS

Thailand’s junta deals free speech another blow by banning debate on country’s controversial lese majeste law
Thailand’s government banned the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Thailand from holding a debate on the controversial lese majeste law. This is the second time in recent months that the organization has been restricted from holding public forums by the government. THE DIPLOMAT

Russian bloggers claim Facebook is blocking their accounts on behalf of pro-Kremlin users 
A growing number of Russian and Ukrainian Facebook users have had their accounts temporarily suspended over spurious accusations which they say have been logged by pro-Kremlin users upset by the political views they have expressed. THE GUARDIAN

Caught between state censorship and self-censorship: Prosecution and intimidation of media workers in Myanmar
A new report from Amnesty International explores the current context in which media workers are hampered in their professional activities in Myanmar, especially. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL

Jailed cartoonist Atena Faraghdani’s lawyer is arrested for shaking her hand
Mohammad Moghimi, the attorney of the Iranian activist and cartoonist Atena Faraghdani was arrested on 10 June following a visit to his client in jail. His charges are based on the fact that he shook Faraghdani’s hand. Faraghdani was recently sentenced to 12.5 years in prison for posting drawings and content critical of the government on her Facebook page. GLOBAL VOICES

UN: Online anonymity, encryption protect freedom of expression
United Nations special rapporteur on freedom of expression presented his report on the use of encryption and anonymity in digital communication to the UN Human Rights Council. The special rapporteur recognized that encryption and anonymity, as leading instruments for online security, enable people to exercise their rights to freedom of opinion and expression and the right to privacy in the digital age. HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH