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An Around the World Reading

April 29, 2010 | Joe’s Pub | New York City

With Preston L. Allen, Siri Hustvedt, Karl O. Knausgaard, Anne Landsman, Thomas Pletzinger, Monique Proulx, Lee Stringer, Christos Tsiolkas, and Tommy Wieringa

Co-sponsored by Joe’s Pub

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CLIPS: Preston L. Allen | Siri Hustvedt | Karl O. Knausgaard | Anne Landsman | Thomas Pletzinger | Monique Proulx | Lee Stringer | Christos Tsiolkas | Tommy Wieringa

Grab your passport and come on a trip around the world with Festival airlines. We’ll make numerous stops in Europe, then head to Australia, Quebec, and South Africa before we land back in the U.S. Please fasten your seat belts, sit back and relax, even grab a delicious Joe’s Pub cocktail, while you enjoy a very special evening of fiction and nonfiction readings by award-winning writers from here and abroad.


 Catherine Texier: Arriving late Thursday night at Joe’s Pub (after having gotten mixed up and arrived early on Wednesday night, by mistake!), stumbling in the dark, sitting in the blogger’s-photographer’s-web guy’s corner, I catch my first reader … [more]

 Sonia Pilcer: Joe’s Pub, a venue for music, was filled with writers and their listeners on Thursday evening, April 29th. [more]