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Half of a Yellow Sun

Master was a little crazy; he had spent too many years reading books overseas, talked to himself in his office, did not always return greetings, and had too much… More

Blood Beats, Vol. 1

sampled slips remixed(TESTING, TESTING, 1, 2, TESTING) Hip-hop is America. Its only real crime is being so much so. It boils “mainstream” standards and practices down to their essences,… More


Turning toward the coffin, she picked up a clod of dirt and, before dropping it onto the lid, said lightly, with the air still of a bewildered young girl,… More

Rereading Saul Bellow

[2000] The Adventures of Augie March (1953) The transformation of the novelist who published Dangling Man in 1944 and The Victim in 1947 into the novelist who published The Adventures… More

Resolution on Iraqi Refugee Crisis

Noting with profound concern the grave and growing refugee crisis precipitated by the US-led intervention in Iraq and exacerbated by the rise of terrorism and sectarian violence. More

Absolver of Sing Sing

FADE IN:INT. TED’S CELL—DAYTEDDY PEDDLETON exits when the gate opens. He’s visibly shattered emotionally.START CREDITSON THE GALLERYTed moves toward the exit; WATUSI and another prisoner from their cells make… More

Season of Ice

1In the beginning there was snow. Torrents of tiny flakes blew in off the lake, pricked my skin before they melted on my hands and face and tongue. I… More

Deadly Innocence

FADE IN:EXT. EAST TEXAS—TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION FACILITY—DAYAs we begin to pan the campus, the words CROCKET STATE SCHOOL JUVENILE PRISON—JULY 1987 are displayed across the center of the screen,… More