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The Way We Love Now: Peter Stamm

I wanted to talk about love in Switzerland, but the country is so small, there’s really not much to say. Only one detail: In Swiss-German “love” is not a… More

Quixote at 400

Actually, Don Quixote was published in the same year as the story of that other mad old man, King Lear, so it was a great year for mad old… More

The Way We Love Now

As I was thinking about this, I began, as one obviously would, to think about the Pope. I have the TV on in my writing room and there was… More

Natsuo Kirino: International Noir

"International Noir: Breaking Out of Crime Time" appears in PEN America 7: World Voices. This talk was presented, in slightly different form, at the 2005 PEN World Voices Festival of… More

International Noir

Noir is commonly thought of as an American genre, if it’s in fact a genre. The films “noir” was first used to describe back in the 1940s were American;… More