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Soap and Ambergris

I live in a small, single-story house in Al-Atayef Quarter. My husband didn’t leave me anything, apart from a mud house that shakes when the thunder crashes and the… More

A Little Explosion

Adnan: How do you see yourself in five years? Intisar: On a bicycle. Adnan: Be serious. Intisar: I am very serious! Okay. In five years? (Smiling, indulging her dreams a little) Working… More

Fady Joudah: Proof of Kindness, Checkpoint

Fady Joudah was a finalist for the 2008 Poetry in Translation Award for The Butterfly’s Burden, a collection of three recent books by Mahmoud Darwish. Proof of KindnessTaxi driver drives… More

My Beirut

I felt foreign to myself. Doubt, that blind mole, burrowed down my spine. I leaned back on the car, surveyed the neighborhood, felt the blood throb in the veins… More

Home Truths

When we talk about surveillance in other countries, repression in other countries, political problems in other countries, we need to keep in mind that we have some problems here… More

Wayward Surmises

Andy Warhol’s Screen Tests offerthe pleasure of compulsive organization(I’m writing five words perline): pleasure of dividing attentivenessinto constituent bits: sadistic pleasureof forcing others (viewers, subjects)to do your bidding: refusenikpleasure… More

Writer and Academic Aref Dalila Released

International PEN welcomes the release of Dr. Aref Dalila, leading economist, writer, and dissident, who was freed on August 7, 2008, after seven years in prison. More

PEN Appeal: Salidzhon Abdurakhmanov

August 18, 2008 Minister of Internal Affairs Bahodir MATLIUBOV Ministerstvo vnutrennikh del RU ul. Junus Rajabiy 1 Tashkent 700029 UZBEKISTAN Fax: + 998 71 233 89 34 Deputy Prosecutor General Alisher SHARAFUTDINOV Prokuratura Respubliki Uzbekistan ul. Gulyamova… More

Zargana and Zaw Thet Htwe Charged

International PEN is seriously concerned about the charges of "defiling a place of worship with intent to insult the religion," among others, that have been made against comedian and… More