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PEN Appeal: Nasrin Sotoudeh

January 28, 2011 His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic The Office of the Supreme Leader Shoahada Street, Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran. Ayatollah Sadeqh Larijani Head of the Judiciary Howzeh… More

PEN Appeal: Jean-Claude Kavumbagu

January 25, 2011 Président de la République Pierre Nkurunziza Présidence de la République Boulevard de l'Uprona Rohero I BP 1870 Bujumbura Burundi Fax: +257 22 24 89 08 Monsieur Jean-Bosco Ndikumana Ministère de la Justice et Garde des Sceaux Ministre… More

PEN Appeal: Emadeddin Baghi

January 24, 2011 His Excellency Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic The Office of the Supreme Leader Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street, Tehran,… More

PEN Appeal: Nevin Berkta?

January 28, 2011 Mr. Sadullah Ergin Minister of Justice 06669 Kizilay Ankara Turkey Dear Minister Ergin, On behalf of the 3,500 members of PEN American Center, an international organization of writers dedicated to protecting freedom… More

PEN Appeal: Abdulaelah Haider Shaea

February 2, 2011 His Excellency General ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Saleh President Office of the President Sana’a Republic of Yemen Fax: + 967 127 4147 Mutaher Rashad al Masri Minister of the Interior Ministry of the Interior Sana’a Republic of Yemen Fax: +… More

Reader Privacy Advocates Urge Calls to Congress

As debate begins in Washington again over the reauthorization of sections of the USA Patriot Act that expire on February 28, the Campaign for Reader Privacy, representing librarians, booksellers,… More