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I forgave her but she didn’t seem to hear, For all the wrongs, real and imagined, Over all the years we called ourselves married, Through too many spats and… More


On the deserted corner of Condemned and Death there stands a neglected rundown theater, paint peeled and cobwebbed, haunted by ghosts performing dead drama, on a dark   empty stage. … More


I cannot sustain your voyages, these corrosive minglings of hydrogen and oxygen, seeking the green rivers of your blooms. More

Black Settlement Photo: Circa 1867

Twelve ancestor souls have been preserved In sepia tones one hundred forty years deep. Still uncomfortable in their two-year-old freedom. It’s a pseudo-freedom, the kind that pinches Expressions tight… More

Knotty Dreams

Knotty Dreams Staccato bursts unravel my thoughts Woodpeckers hammer at a camera tower oddly pleased with each aluminum notch they leave behind Somewhere a sparrow mends her nest in the city dome’s framework tugging at frayed wire and steel shavings I crouch… More


toy soldiers arrayed for battle dirt clods piled high, piled ready hands work, hands arrange, the cattle a shout of challenge joyfully proclaims my hill, my clods, my… More