Horizon’s Edge

CHARACTERSTHE PRESENT:JOHN: The Dungeon Master, wears prisoner whites.OFFICER: The Prison Guard, wears confederate gray uniform.CHARLIE: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.JIM: Dungeons & Dragons Player, wears prisoner whites.DAVID: Dungeons &… More

Sidney Offit on Kurt Vonnegut

When Roger Straus introduced me to Kurt Vonnegut at a PEN seminar circa 1970, the publisher of so many Nobel Laureates it was rumored he had an apartment in… More

The Seventh Sense

A death cloud hovered over the prison. My Seventh Sense was still dormant. Chico walked around the yard against the flow of traffic—the first omen of doom, and I… More

Release Date

On shaky knees Carson takes the first step onto the front walk. For six long years the address before him had been only numbers and letters. Now, in the… More

Fair Well

Sunbeams escaped from the free world and drifted into my cell through the bars and laid beside me sharing my bunk in the summer of 1989. It was a… More

Day One

There I stood in that cavernous hallway, handcuffed to someone I didn’t know and probably never wanted to know. About twenty of us just standing there, scared half to… More

Paralegal Training for the Formerly Incarcerated

The Paralegal Training for the Formerly Incarcerated (PTFI) is a job-skills training initiative. The program offers a certified paralegal training to formerly incarcerated individuals and helps with job placement.… More


Scene 1The setting is a street corner in a residential neighborhood of the mid-1960s. The corner of a lawn enclosed in a picket fence is down right. A street… More

Just Another Death

I sit on my bunk as the minutes tick by. The count should have cleared over half an hour ago. Something’s up. In a place where timing and routine… More

A Time to Forget

THE SETTING is the living room of an apartment filled, almost cluttered, with a mixture of modern and old-fashioned furniture—vases, lamps, bowls, small tables and cabinets containing all manner… More