Half of a Yellow Sun

Master was a little crazy; he had spent too many years reading books overseas, talked to himself in his office, did not always return greetings, and had too much… More

Blood Beats, Vol. 1

sampled slips remixed(TESTING, TESTING, 1, 2, TESTING) Hip-hop is America. Its only real crime is being so much so. It boils “mainstream” standards and practices down to their essences,… More


Turning toward the coffin, she picked up a clod of dirt and, before dropping it onto the lid, said lightly, with the air still of a bewildered young girl,… More

Absolver of Sing Sing

FADE IN:INT. TED’S CELL—DAYTEDDY PEDDLETON exits when the gate opens. He’s visibly shattered emotionally.START CREDITSON THE GALLERYTed moves toward the exit; WATUSI and another prisoner from their cells make… More

Deadly Innocence

FADE IN:EXT. EAST TEXAS—TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION FACILITY—DAYAs we begin to pan the campus, the words CROCKET STATE SCHOOL JUVENILE PRISON—JULY 1987 are displayed across the center of the screen,… More

Suite Française

1Hot, thought the Parisians. The warm air of spring. It was night, they were at war and there was an air raid. But dawn was near and the war… More

Time Cut for Willy

Cast of Characters:William (Willy) Conrad Barns: Eighteen and looks younger. Small boned and effeminate with blonde hair and blue eyes. Pretty boy.Susan (Sam) Allison Macmillan: Petite redhead with a… More

House of War

The Building looms over the Potomac across sixty years of war and peace, through six decades of memory. A forbidden temple even now, when I am older—imagine how the… More

The Selected Poems of Wang Wei

At Cloud Valley with Huang-fu Yüeh1 Bird-Cry CreekIn our idleness, cinnamon blossoms fall.In night quiet, spring mountains standempty. Moonrise startles mountain birds:here and there, cries in a spring gorge.3… More