Last Call

Last CallDays skipped awaya kid chucking stones across water,happy years gone the way of youth;moved from farm to townand on down the streetto city lights and cheap hotels,dark diveswhere… More

Quiet Racism

Quiet RacismNight smiles, walls carved with namesdead and dying, dates past and present,crowding into one, petrified in ageless shit.Silence support the ceiling. The blackhole we see into to seeis… More

Tapwater Coffee

They took away our coffee pots; You know the type: Big forty-cup, with chrome, The kind you’d never use at home. They said a weapon Potentially lurked there, Were it heaved or water thrown. More

Methamphetamine Trap

The brilliance of diamond clear rocks/ Sparkle in a bent heirloom spoon/ A cracked cup of tepid water/ And a small bit of cotton fluff More

The Lie

You want to know,Would I kill a child,staring with innocent eyes,the embodiment of defenselessness?I’d murder man, woman, or child,no difference to me.Hate makes no distinction.Not because I’m bitterbeing here… More

Sonnet—To The Moon

Sonnet—To The MoonIn temperance and faith hast thou for yearsWatched o’er me. Thou hast smiled whene’er I gainedSmall, human gains and bitterly wept tearsOf light to save me when… More