The Book Of

the book of dip netting beaks, the book of mud probing beaks, the book of kissing as a form of knife sharpening, the book of lovers & the book of beloveds, the book… More

Calling the Characters

Calling the CharactersIs this the right house? Shabbier than last timebut when was that? Two weeks ago? Two months?Have they forgotten me? The door’s unlocked,left open for me or… More

Birds of a Feather

On October 24th, Ronald Reagan signed the necessary executive order sending the Congressionally approved $100 million in aid to the Nicaraguan contras. Of this aids $70 million was designated… More

August Picnic

It was a cloudy overcast morning and from my window I could see a clump of boats riding gently at their moorings. Below my window surrounded by angles of… More


On July 20th, 1985, a sunny Saturday afternoon in New Hampshire’s High Summer, with most of the inmates at the State Prison drawn by the perfect weather out into… More

Sweeter Than Sugar

You know, I find it quite remarkable today, at the age of 33, reflecting the long gone days of my tender adolescence. Time’s winged chariot takes me on fleeting… More

The Great American Sedative

The way I hear it, the doctor advised his patient, “Having trouble getting to sleep? Take two aspirins, turn on a baseball game, and call me in the morning.”Good… More

PEN Appeal: Muhammad Al-Maqalih

October 1, 2009 His Excellency General ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Saleh President Office of the President Sana’a Republic of Yemen Fax: + 967 127 4147 Minister of the Interior Mutaher Rashad al Masri Ministry of the Interior Sana’a Republic of Yemen Fax: +967… More