Holding Company

Towers I could give your palace more glass shine,facing eastward every year without knowing.And no, it’s not convincing waking in fog and rain,steel and stone soaring above the living. After… More

The Patience Stone

Somewhere in Afhanistan or elsehereThe room is small. Rectangular. Stifling, despite the paleness of the turquoise walls, and the two curtains patterned with migrating birds frozen mid-flight against a… More


MarcoIt all began with a bird of prey, an enormous thing, a kind of hawk standing stiffly on its two feet in the middle of the road, head hanging… More

Orange is the New Black

Chapter OneAre You Gonna Go My Way?International baggage claim in the Brussels airport was large and airy, with multiple carousels circling endlessly. I scurried from one to another, desperately… More


Since neither of them feels like going to a restaurant, as soon as Hug arrives Heribert begins to prepare the shrimp. Now, sitting face to face, across a table set… More

PEN Appeal: Clodomiro Castilla Ospina

April 1, 2010 President of the Republic Álvaro Uribe Vélez Presidente de la República Palacio de Nariño, Carrera 8 No.7-2 Bogotá, Colombia Fax: +57 1 337 5890/ +57 1 342 0592 Minister of the Interior and… More