My Mother’s Voice

The Black PrincessShe was having an affair, and I’d made my way to Budapest so that I could see her. It wasn’t a cheap ticket, but I could afford… More

We, The Drowned

The BootsMany years ago there lived a man called Laurids Madsen, who went up to Heaven and came down again, thanks to his boots.He didn’t soar as high as… More


Harmen Gerbens the Cairo Dutchman rests now in the briefcase above my seat—a name and a history, chronologically the first on the list, without my knowing at the time… More


In the village, to which I rarely return since our father’s death, I drive up to the gate outside his second wife’s house; I back the van into the… More

PEN Appeal: Cu Huy Ha Vu

April 22, 2011 His Excellency Nguyên Minh Triêt President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ministry of Foreign Affairs Hanoi Socialist Republic of Vietnam Nguyên Tân Dung Prime Minister 1 Hoang Hoa Tham Street Hanoi Socialist Republic of… More

PEN Appeal: Michael Nabil Sanad

April 22, 2011 Major-General Ahmed Abd Allah Director of Military Judiciary Military Judicial Department Cairo Egypt Fax: +202 2 402 4468 Major-General Medhat Radwan Military General Attorney Military Judicial Department Cairo Egypt Fax: +202 2 412 0980 His Excellency Muhammad… More

Salvation Army

She always slept with us, in the middle, between my little brother Mustapha and my sister Rabiaa.She would fall asleep very quickly and night after night, in a natural,… More

America Doesn’t Exist

1Maria didn’t read the papers; otherwise, the next day, she would have read about the accident that had made her and her brother, Nicola, orphans. Who could say how… More

Eléctrico W

Antonio and I had never worked together but we had come across each other several times. His photos had illustrated my investigation into the garimpeiros, destitute gold miners in… More