China Advocacy: Subversive Poetry, Prison, and Exile

[caption id="attachment_7819" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Yu Jie. Photo by Voice of America via Wikimedia Commons."][/caption] All across the world, we at PEN have noticed a trend against freedom of expression: the number… More

Smith Henderson: Separatists

A pollarded goat drank from a halved oil drum and watched the car slowly pass by and was still watching through its rectangle pupils when Pete looked in the… More

Among the Splendors

As I read more of Adonis’s work over the years, in the original and in translation, I felt repeatedly that only a large of selection of work could give… More

PEN Appeal: Zaw Thet Htwe and U Zeya

January 17, 2012 Senior General Than Shwe Chairman, State Peace and Development Council c/o Ministry of Defense Naypyitaw Union of Myanmar Dear General, On behalf of the 3,500 members of PEN American Center, an international organization… More

PEN Appeal: Win Maw and Nay Phone Latt

January 13, 2012 Senior General Than Shwe Chairman, State Peace and Development Council c/o Ministry of Defense Naypyitaw Union of Myanmar Dear General, On behalf of the 3,500 members of PEN American Center, an international organization… More

Wide-Reading, Long-Seeing

As the war drums rumble louder, we might want to take a look, as we engage, at some Iranian poets, some of whom write about their country from within… More

PEN Appeal: Chen Wei and Chen Xi

January 9, 2012 President of the People’s Republic of China His Excellency Hu Jintao State Council Beijing 100032 P.R. China Minister of Justice Wu Aiying Buzhang Sifabu 10 Chaoyangmen Nandajie Chaoyangqu Beijingshi 100020 People's Republic of China Your Excellencies, On behalf of the… More