And Campus for All
Diversity, Inclusion, and Freedom of Speech at U.S. Universities

PEN America Experts:
Sy Syms Managing Director, U.S. Free Expression Programs
And Campus for All combines extensive reporting and thorough analysis of all sides of recent debates, as well as three case studies informed by exclusive interviews with protagonists in some of the most pitched campus battles in recent years: skirmishes over free speech and issues of race at Yale, confrontations surrounding activism on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at UCLA, and controversies over the implications for free speech of specific provisions of Title IX—the law that bars sex discrimination at educational institutions—at Northwestern University. Coming from the American arm of the world’s leading free expression organization, the incorporated “PEN America Principles on Campus Speech” stand to shape the direction of these raging debates nationally. The PEN America Principles offer a way to address some of the most polarizing campus unrest in decades over issues such as sexist speech, racial epithets, controversial campus speakers, trigger warnings, and so-called “safe spaces” and “microaggressions.”