U.S. Free Expression Issues

U.S. Free Expression Issues

Book Bans

Books are under profound attack in the United States. Since the fall of 2021, PEN America has counted more than 10,000 book bans in public schools. And everywhere, it is the books that have long fought for a place on the shelf that are being targeted.

Campus Free Speech

Free speech has become a flashpoint for controversy on campuses across the U.S. We believe that for a campus to be open to all ideas, it must be genuinely open to all people, including those from less traditional backgrounds and those from previously excluded groups.


The unchecked spread of the falsehoods threaten democracy.

Educational Censorship

PEN America’s signature campaign against educational gag orders — and other legislative restrictions on the freedom to learn and teach that have swept the country since January 2021 — defends students and faculty against legislative infringements on free expression on campus and in the classroom.

Online Abuse & Digital Safety

Online abuse—from violent threats and hateful slurs to sexual harassment and doxing—poses a direct and pressing threat to free expression. Writers, journalists, and artists require an online presence to do their work. But they are targeted for their profession and their identity, especially if they identify as women, people of color, LGBTQ+, and as members of religious or ethnic minorities. We know that online abuse challenges livelihoods, undermines equity, and stifles free speech. We also know that it can lead to offline violence and put lives at risk.

Supporting Journalists

PEN America defends journalists against abuse, fights the spread of disinformation, and supports local journalism.