Rosanna Warren

Rosanna Warren, Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets from 1999 to 2005, is an award-winning poet and editor.

Her collection, Stained Glass, won the Lamont Poetry Award from the Academy of American Poets, and is also the recipient of the Witter Bynner Prize from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, the Lavan Younger Poets’ Prize from the Academy of American Poets, and the Award of Merit in Poetry from The American Academy of Arts and Letters. She has won fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation, ACLS, The Ingram Merrill Foundation, and the Lila Wallace Readers’ Digest Fund, among others.

Her latest collection is Ghost In a Red Hat (2011).

Articles by Rosanna Warren

World Voices Festival
Wednesday April 13

Ghost in a Red Hat

Ghost in a Red Hat           —these cabbages under full sail, these ancient walls                      smothered in ivy and wisteria with its purple froth:           in my middle age and sensible girth I remember starving. I didn’t know why. I practiced being a ghost.           I was a girl, I thought this was how one became           a